It all started on a hot summer day in Atlanta in 2015. Both at respective career crossroads, we were two friends taking a walk in the neighborhood. A few years prior, Bess had attempted to be a vegan and was dissatisfied with all the pre-plant-based-boom, additive-laden almond milks available at the store. Having learned how to make nutmilk at home, she got an idea about bringing fresh almond milk to Atlanta through home delivery. She promptly left it in the “crazy ideas” file in her head.
But through some kind of stroke of magic, when Bess shared the idea that summer day, Kate immediately jumped on board, and we got right to it within days.
We did say we were nutty, didn't we?
We had a blast experimenting with various nutmilks. In Georgia, pecans grow abundantly, so it was only natural that we try to turn it into milk. We discovered that the secret to velvety-smooth, healthy, sustainable, plant-based milk was right in our own backyards. Neither of us will forget the day we stood in Kate’s kitchen and tasted our pecanmilk for the first time, eyes widening as we let out rapturous “mmmmm”s.
Next thing we knew, we were getting up at 6am every day to whip up nutmilks (like, nine different kinds) and oat milk (before that became a thing) by hand with Vitamixes, bottling it in glass jars, hand-delivering to homes and coffeeshops around Atlanta, and selling it at local farmers markets on weekends. We'd take the used jars back from our customers, wash them, and repeat the process, over and over.
We made pecanmilk hot chocolate at events, had the city's best cocktail bars mixing drinks with it, developed a pecan cream soda, partnered with a local ice cream shop, and even made spreads and goodies out of the pecan meal leftover from the process, when we weren't composting it.
Atlanta became amazingly supportive of us, but our beautiful glass jars could only go so far (not to mention the physical toll it was taking on us). We wanted the world to be able to experience the wonders of pecanmilk. To do that, we decided to take a leap of faith, and put our business on pause while we figured out how to scale up.
That was the end of 2019 and we all know what happened next. But we stayed the course, and after much trial and error we finally figured out how to get our pecanmilk to you. As we like to say, it remains so good, so good for you, and so good for all of us. We are committed to quality, flavor, transparency and sustainability.
What started on a neighborhood walk, became a nutmilk journey and morphed into a vision to uplift the humble pecan.
Every jar we made in our kitchen those first few years was made with love. The same goes for the pecanmilk we share with you today. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Bess + Kate